How does this estimating software help to install plasterboard?

Groundplan gives you digital pinpoint accuracy to calculate the square and lineal metres of every room.

Dig into the details and calculate how many sheets of plasterboard you’ll need, how much cornice and even the number of screws. Then calculate wall areas for paint quantities of base and top coats.

Here’s how;

  1. Upload your PDF plan and set the scale. For instance: A3 @ 1:100.
  2. Name your ‘Stage’, it may be ‘Interior Walls’ for instance.
  3. Set your ceiling heights, and you’re off. Whip around the plan and trace the walls as Groundplan begins calculating the measurements and the associated costs. You can choose whether the wall is double-sided or single-sided, so there’s no need to measure the same wall twice.
  4. Next, show Groundplan where the windows and doors are.
  5. Then, grab the ‘Area’ tool and draw out each of the ceilings.

It’s up to you how much detail you’d like to gather. You can deep-dive into the detail, but many plasterboard professionals use it to simply count, measure and calculate.

Schedule a Free demo with one of our qualified trades experts today by signing up to our free trial.

Why Groundplan?

Takeoff software for any Trade

Modernise your business processes with our cloud-based takeoff software.
Work from anywhere
Use any device to access all your projects, plans and takeoff estimates online. Collaborate with your remote team as changes happen in real time.
No more software installs and updates.
Excellent support
Either through our free one-on-one training or our live chat, we strive to get you going as quickly and efficiently as possible. Trusted by more than
2,000 businesses in 10 countries.
Easily export your takeoff estimates
Once you have finished your takeoff estimates, export your bill of quantities directly to excel
or push to a quote via one of our
software integrations.

Groundplan success stories

Discover how trades are moderising their business processes with our cloud-based takeoff software.

Plastering Estimating software

What time of day do you get to your quoting?

Hopefully the quoting is not still being done when you’d rather be getting some well-deserved down time after the kids have gone to bed. You’d rather be kicking back enjoying some TV right? Quoting after hours is a big issue for many business owners and it’s time you got on the front foot.

We all know the old method worked ok. It’s been around for years, so why change? Well, for one thing, your competition are likely thinking about upgrading, if not already. Why did they win the job and not you? They likely got the quote out quicker and if they were using Groundplan, the estimate looked pretty slick too.

Groundplan digitally measures walls and ceilings to more accurately estimate how much plaster you’ll need and how much time your plastering job will take.

Take estimating into your own hands

We all know what happens when you rely on the builder to calculate measurements right? That work order was for 300 sqr meters. Then why is there actually 350?

With the time it’s likely taking you to get those quotes out the door, no wonder it’s tempting to take the builders word for it. The accuracy of these measurements affects your margins, and what’s the point of doing a job if you’re not making money?!

Alternatively, you have the opportunity to employ a professional estimator to do your plasterboard calculations for you, as Groundplan is a cloud-based software and can be used anywhere.

At any stage you can login and watch the estimate taking shape, while you get some of that well-deserved down time.

Measure square meterage or linear lengths

Often, a wall is not just a wall. You can subtract window dimensions for the area that does not need to be plastered. You can add ceilings and walls, subtract windows and doors to calculate square meterage, and then there’s your beading…

So, you’ll need to make some measurements based on linear lengths.

Sorry, but there’s no more need for that trusty plan wheel. Set your scale inside Groundplan and use the mouse to quantify your lengths.

That’s it! Your done.

Impress your clients

Put your best foot forward – don’t quote cheap, quote with accuracy and impress those clients with the best estimating software available for quoting your next plastering job.

The list of features that bring your estimate to life are countless:

  • Cleanup parts of the plan with our eraser tool
  • Draw clear, concise lines
  • Add custom text boxes
  • Add title block and business logo to personalise your plan
  • Add items legend on the plan
  • Add custom images

Groundplan produces a succinct and visually impressive estimate with all your branding in place ready to show your client, so you can look the part as the professional you are.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is electrical estimating or take off software?

Electrical estimating software provides an online platform for estimators to complete project takeoffs and estimating with ease. It offers a faster and more accurate alternative to traditional, paper-based takeoff and estimating, simply because everything can be done online.

With just an internet browser, estimators can upload their plans to the software (or create new plans on screen) and use intuitive digital tools to measure and mark lengths, areas and quantities. Precise materials lists and even estimates can be generated with just a few clicks for any electrical tender large or small.

What are the benefits of using electrical estimating software?

Electrical takeoff software makes for quicker, more accurate estimating, which translates to more jobs won, less waste, and ultimately more profit for you. If you want your business to have a competitive edge and stay profitable in today’s world, keeping on top of the latest industry technology like electrical estimating software is key.

Does your electrical estimating software integrate with other systems?

Groundplan currently integrates with a host of job management software: simPRO, AroFlo, tradietech and Workmate, and we’re always on the lookout for new integrations that will benefit you.

Our integration with job management software like simPRO means that you can push a bill of quantities from Groundplan directly into simPRO to get quotes to your customers faster, streamline job scheduling, and more. Because we’re cloud based, integrations are easy – so if you’d like to see us work with specific software, let us know!

How can software improve my estimating process?

Estimating software has many advantages: the best of the bunch being accuracy and speed. Because you’re mapping, measuring and marking every detail on your plans online, you can easily keep them clear and consistent. There’s no confusing highlighter marks or scribbled notes! Materials lists are precise and adding labour costs is as simple as entering your rates and mark-ups; Groundplan can calculate a full bill of materials in just seconds.

Plus, you can access your plans and estimates at any time and from anywhere, all you need is an internet connection.

What is the best electrical software for an electrician?

The best estimating software for electricians is one that integrates seamlessly into your business’ workflow and processes and requires little or even no training of your staff. Software like this can be at work improving your productivity quickly – rather than, if it’s too complicated, becoming detrimental to it. Cloud-based software is also key, so you can collaborate with your staff in real time and access your plans anywhere with an internet connection.

What if I have an estimator who isn’t comfortable with technology?

We know exactly what it takes to help even the most reluctant online estimators get a good handle on and even appreciate electrical takeoff software. It helps that Groundplan is so easy to use and that many estimators recognise its benefits very quickly. Even still, we offer free set-up assistance and training from our trade experts; simply ask us when you sign up!

If you can't find the answer you're looking for please contact us.

Are you ready to trial Groundplan?

Optimise your estimating process by signing up for our 14-day free trial.
With expert training we’ll ensure you get the most from your takeoff estimating software.