
Effective Marketing Strategies for Service-Based Trade Businesses in 2023

Out-manoeuvre your competitors by adopting proven marketing strategies that are working right now. 

In a 2022 Hubspot survey, results revealed that the top marketing channel is, no surprise, social media. And the current trends marketers are leveraging right now? Again no surprises - mobile-friendly website design and short-form video.

In other words, post short videos to social media and optimise your website for mobile devices. Do these, and you’ve positioned yourself to become a dominant force in your local market.

The best thing about all this is that you can do it in ten minutes each day using your phone. 

Optimise your website for mobile devices

Often, websites appear broken when you view them on a mobile device - be sure to have your website optimised for mobile devices. 

There's enough work required to get people to your site. Once they arrive, make sure it's easy for them to contact you.

Visit your site on your mobile phone and ask: 

  • Is it easy to read? 
  • Are your contact details easily found? 
  • Does it look good?
  • Does anything appear broken? 
  • Is it easy to navigate? 
  • Can the user simply tap on a phone number to call you?

Get in touch with your web developer as soon as possible if you identify issues.

Trade Business Marketing Trends

Leverage social media

The last thing you want is to be out of mind and out of sight. Popping up on your customer’s social media feed goes a long way toward brand awareness and ensuring you’re top of mind when a customer needs your service.

Simple photos of recent jobs act as a portfolio and build authority.

Better yet, short videos are performing well for small trade businesses. Take a moment to grab a short video while you’re on-site. If you’re comfortable enough, even talking us through an explanation of the job is an effective and engaging approach.

The next time that customer needs your service or is asked for a recommendation, you’ll be the first business they think of. 

Pro Tip: Make sure your contact details appear on your social media profile.

Trade Business Marketing Channels

Encourage word-of-mouth marketing

It never gets old. Good old-fashioned customer service will get you everywhere. 

Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most powerful marketing strategies you can use. By providing excellent service and building relationships with customers, they’re more likely to recommend you to others. 

Provide your field staff with a google old-fashioned fridge magnet with your contact details to leave with the customer after each completed job.

Utilise SEO best practices

Optimise your website for search engines. Use relevant keywords on your website matching the terms your customers are searching for. 

For example: “electrician in kyogle” 

Think about what words people will use to search for your service using Google, then make sure those phrases appear on your site. Google will reward you for it. 

Be aware this is part of a long-game strategy. The more local competition you have, the more difficult this can be. You may need to a) hire a consultant or b) consider paid Google advertising.

An expert in the field can help you discover a wider variety of keywords people use to find services like yours.

Paid online advertising 

Online advertising is a great way to reach a large audience quickly. If you’re willing to invest some dollars to increase inquiries, it would be worth considering paid advertising with Google. 

There is an art to Google advertising. You may need the help of an expert, but it's an effective strategy for trade businesses to achieve results quickly. Ask the consultant to provide weekly reports to ensure they earn their keep. 

Any digital advertising consultant worth their salt won’t have a problem providing the report.

If nothing else, focus on excellent customer service to generate word-of-mouth referrals and let your audience know what you’re up to with an Instagram account. Follow this simple plan consistently, and everything else is a bonus. 

Go get em. 

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